send work
Now you just have to send your work and lay back and wait for an answer from us!
You can submit your work:
per wetransfer
per dropbox link
or just in a mail
You have to submit one example of your work. Depending on the media of your work, either as a picture or as a link. Here you can find all informations about how to send your work:
data information
Each work must have at least one photograph or video submitted for it. Videos and photographs submitted must be of a professional standard.
Each picture must be in following format:
Web JPG (72dpi, longer side max 1000 pix)
named: TitleofprojectLastnameFirstname1web.jpg
(the numbers should correspond to the number of the technical data in the application form)
data information
Each work must have at least one photograph or video submitted for it. Videos and photographs submitted must be of a professional standard.
Each picture must be in the following two format:
Web JPG (72dpi, longer side max 1000 pix)
named: TitleofprojectGroupnameweb1.jpg
(the numbers should correspond to the number of the technical data in the application form)
data information
Each work must have at least one photograph or video submitted for it. Videos and photographs submitted must be of a professional standard.
Each picture must be in both of the following two formats:
Web JPG (72dpi, longer side max 1000 pix)
named: TitleofprojectLastnameFirstnameweb1.jpg
(the numbers should correspond to the number of the technical data in the application form)
data information
If you want to submit a performance, you need to send documentation of it either as a video, photographs or written text. (you can send up to 8 pictures)
Web JPG (72dpi, longer side max 1000 pix)
named: TitleofprojectLastnameFirstname1web.jpg
(the numbers should correspond to the number of the technical data in the application form)
data information
If you want to hand in text (poem, essay, story, scientific paper, etc …) it has to be sent as a word document and a pdf. If you have pictures or videos to support you text application, please send them as well separately following the same requirements as listed for artistic works, including sizing and photograph credits.
Word document:
named: TitleofprojectLastnameFirstname1.doc
(the numbers should correspond to the number of the technical data in the application form)
named: TitleofprojectLastnameFirstname1.pdf
(the numbers should correspond to the number of the technical data in the application form)
data information
You can hand in a virtual project, such as a gif, website, game, etc...
named: TitleofprojectLastnameFirstname1.gif
(the numbers should correspond to the number of the technical data in the application form)
website, game, etc:
If you want to hand in a virtual project, you are responsible to have it online. NOD can not provide the online space that is required for such a project.
For virtual projects you have to hand in a link to the project and picture that represent the project, can be either a documentation picture or a advertisement picture/poster. (you can send up to 8 pictures)
Web JPG (72dpi, longer side max 1000 pix)
named: TitleofprojectLastnameFirstname1web.jpg
(the numbers should correspond to the number of the technical data in the application form)